Ok, right off the bat I need to ask how many mums clicked on this? I’m guessing heaps. (Don’t feel guilty if that’s you!). And that’s because mums are epic. Mums are hardworking, thoughtful, diligent, beautiful (even when they don’t think they are) and incredibly tenacious in doing what’s good for their kids. But as dads, I think we need that extra little bit of help.
Mums – you’re allowed to keep reading, but you’re not allowed to use this post to berate your husband. Help empower him to be the father he wants to be. Encourage him to keep moving forward. But DON’T tell him that he really needs some help, cos he’s not doing a good enough job. That won’t get you the desired outcome – trust me. As guys, feeling a lack of respect from our wife is a major demotivator. Tell him that I asked him personally to have a read of this post (and he’s not allowed to read the second paragraph).
Dads – as dudes we begin behind the 8 ball. Our first dad (Adam, not God) led the way by sucking; as a man, husband and father. Not only did he send all of humanity spiralling headfirst into sin and death, but he also raised the very first murderer of history. Cain. Who happened to murder Adam’s other son. So our kind doesn’t have the best start.
But – it doesn’t have to be that way for us. Jesus was the perfect man, and he is our epic hero. He redeemed us from sin and gave us his Spirit. And now we can moon the enemy and shout ‘Freedom’ as we go into battle for the souls of our kids.

We're gonna put up a bunch of posts specifically for dads on here. But here is the big thing for now. Dads – God has made you particularly responsible for your kids’ forevers, and now is a great time to take that more seriously.
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
So this is somewhat a call to arms. We can’t leave Christian parenting to the ladies. Yes they’re epic. That’s a given. But our kids need us to be strong and courageous and raise them in the Lord. So will you join with me and take this role seriously? We all know we need to get better at this gig. That’s ok. But let’s get better at it together. Who knows what God might choose to do through you and me?
Check out other for dads only posts here
Would you be interested in taking another step on the journey? Why not do something today? Send us an email if you’d be keen to get some more help on the dad journey – admin@parentsforeternallife.com